Work with me
I am here to help you to step out of creatives blocks, find your voice and express your authentic self into the world. I hold a warm sanctuary for deep self-enquiry, where powerful conversations lead to transformation. I offer 1-1 somatic coaching for women + queer folks who want to reconnect to their sensuality and rise in their creative power.
The Rising Sun
A 6-month sacred, sanctuary for women: the gifted artists, sensual creatives, world-weavers, dreamers, healers, and believers. To birth your ideas into the world, reconnect to your sensuality, express yourself authentically, and discover the wisdom of The Divine Feminine within.
An embodied exploration of belonging, connection, and deepening in trust for soulful women who are journeying through the unknown.
What is somatic coaching?
Somatics is a path, a methodology, a change theory, by which we can embody transformation, individually and collectively.
"Soma" comes from Sanskrit term that derives from the root su, meaning to energize, expand and grow.
"Soma" in Vedic wisdom, also refers to the moon and sun, the masculine and feminine, and symbolizes the interconnectedness of body-mind-spirit and the connection with The Divine Primordial Shakti (force/ power).
Somatic coaching is about bringing ourselves back into connection with our bodies, and exploring the lived experience through feeling, sensing and perceiving. We invite the whole-self into the process, by working in a explorative, expansive way - through the body, on the body and with the body.
"Somatic coaching is distinct from conversational coaching in that it includes physical world of sensations, temperature, weight, movement, streamings, pulsations, and vibrations, as well as images, thoughts, attitudes, yearnings, dreams, gestures, language." - Richard Strozzi-Heckle
Somatic coaching with me, may be right for you if:
You’ve explored talk therapy, CBT or traditional coaching but still feel stuck or disconnected from your intuition
You make most decisions based on intellect, what you “should” do, or what others would think is respectable or "right"
You want to connect to more ease and flow, and less “forcing” energy in the creative process
You want to feel more safety and ease in sharing your creative gifts authentically into the world.
You want to express yourself authentically with ease and confidence
You’re longing for life to be different but aren’t sure in what ways or how to get there
You know what you want but are struggling with making changes
Working with me might be useful for you if :
You’re feeling blocked/ stuck with your creativity
You’re lacking clarity of how to bring your ideas together
You’re feeling fear and shame from being seen, or taking action forward
You’re longing to free your voice, and take up the space you deserve
You’re moving though transitional phase of awakening / rebirth
You’re struggling to set boundaries with ease
You’re a creative, artist, writer, world-weaver, healer, or therapist
What makes Poonam’s work precious + potent?
Poonam Dhuffer is a Somatic coach, multidisciplinary artist, texture archaeologist + alchemist of gold.
I am devoted to supporting women + queer folks to slow down, reconnect to the wisdom of their bodies, rise in their creative power, and build restorative healing practices, together in community.

Under the Surface
The language of Shakti
I am deeply connected to the language and Shakti of creativity, and how She expresses herself in all her forms. I taste the world in constellations of textures, colours, fragrance, and feeling. I am an artist living a textured life. I feel and taste the language, methodologies, and melodies of your creative process.
My approach is centred in Somatic healing, person centred, and creative expression. My work dances between somatic healing, emergent strategy, art and play therapy, and Ancient Wisdom rooted in the Dharmic traditions. I weave together threads of craft, movement, sound, ritual, reflection, and prayer through my sessions. I offer warmth, sincerity, compassion, integrity and honesty to my clients. I bring my whole humanness into the sacred space I hold.
My artistic practice explores themes of textures of home, constellations of time and connections, layers of longing, roots of belonging and discovery of sacred dimensions. Working with me is powerful, as my roots are deeply connected in God. I am a clay vessel for the creative Shakti to move through me.
Lived Experience
I am a certified embodiment coach having trained with The Somatic School which is accredited by the Intentional Coaching Federation (ICF). I am continuing my professional development and training for my ACC credentials with the ICF.
I call upon my Ancestors, my Sikh faith, Akal Purakh, and Shakti to guide my work. I weave together somatic practices, art therapy, constellation frameworks, emergent strategy and Dharmic wisdom.
I offer warmth, sincerity, compassion, integrity and honesty to my clients. I bring my whole humanness into the sacred space I hold.
Body of Culture
My roots flow deep into Nairobi, Kenya and Amritsar, Panjab to my Ancestors and our Gurus. As a Sikh-Panjabi woman living in South-East London.
I have experienced my body shrink, I have felt unsafe and not enough in environments which have erased, judged or not heard me.
I want you to feel safe and secure, in your body and in the world. I want you to celebrate your roots and feel proud of culture.
I want you to understand your body and cultivate processes that ground you and increase your capacity for wholesome, non-addictive pleasure.
I have experienced racism, prejudices and cultural bypassing. I have waded through storms of anxiety, panic attacks and depression.
Shrinking in my body is a familiar experience. I have code-switched, erased parts of myself to fit in and have crumbled to bits. That is where I found out that fitting in isn’t the same as belonging. I leaned into the discomfort and unknowing. I released it and went through it, shifted and healed.
I am more than my thoughts, more than my suffering and more than my achievements. I know what I am made of and what I have been held by.
I am whole exactly as I am - and so are you.
Working with me, feels like a ….
Slow soak
Flows into silence and stillness to observe what is happening within your body. We follow the process to feel what is emerging within us. Notice your experience and speak your truth.
Vibrant playground
We invite a spirit of curiosity to explore and play with improv tools like “Yes and” to ignite our imaginations and experience a new shape of embodiment.
Soft breeze
Through intentional rituals we gather and attune to the sacred longing of our hearts and the wisdom that resides within us. We offer light, incense and prayers to The Divine.
Safe sanctuary
Get comfy and gather yourself with ease. Bring a blanket, candles and a cuppa. Tune into soothing words, silence and the rhythm of your breath. Rest into the support that is here for you.
Warm welcome
Open your heart and discover the ease within. Find pleasure in the moment when it organically arises.
Rich tapestry
Explore your experience through shape, rhythm, play and movement. Allow it to guide you to take shape by sitting, standing, or moving around in your space.
Client Testimonials
“Poonam is a beam of light. She holds a safe, beautiful, cocoon to connect with yourself, let go and explore what's coming up for you in a place with no judgment and process how you're feeling. Somatic coaching has resonated with me on a deeper level, more than any other coaching/ therapy ever has me. I am so grateful for the space you created for me to heal, to come back to myself, and to become the more authentic version of myself that I've always been. I didn’t know it was possible to connect with myself in a deep way.”
“The coaching session I had with Poonam was felt like a spiritual practice looking deeper inwards into myself. Poonam guided me in a meditation which was tremendously beneficial as it allowed me to dig deeper, have lightbulb moments and find the answers I was looking for by myself, leaving the session confident and energised. If you are looking for a safe space to heal, dig a little deeper into something you are working on or are just looking for some guidance then I would absolutely recommend booking a session with Poonam as I guarantee you will leave the session feeling totally refreshed and transformed.”
“Poonam has an innate awareness, sensing the energy shifts and anticipating my needs at any moment. She helped me connected with what I was feeling and what I needed. I felt so safe, heard and understood. The safety that I felt with you meant I could be truly open with you. The creative prompts in between our sessions and the treats that acted like such a rich source of inspiration. They made me feel like you knew what I needed. It reenforced the work we were doing.”